Saturday, January 19, 2013

Game Demake: Halo 2600 and Gang Garrison 2

It's almost a shame that some demakes are just as fun as the originals.

I've only recently discovered "demakes", and I gotta say, I like it.  The advances in video game technology and the innovation it can create is incredible, and I wouldn't want to live without it.  However, the most important thing about any game is how much fun you get out of it, whether it's the latest and greatest or a text adventure.  Regardless of if you're a PC gamer or not, you've probably heard of Halo or Team Fortress 2.  How about Halo 2600 or Gang Garrison 2?

Gang Garrison 2  

It's eerie how much fun this is, just like the original.  Team Fortress 2 has been recreated here perfectly in 8-bit goodness.  This free download is a fully functional online team shooter, with all the original classes and maps.  The gameplay is very simple.  Pick a team, pick a class, start shooting.  This version is definitely much more accessible than the original.  You don't have to be super-gamer to be good at it.  Very simple, very clean, and very polished.  It's an ongoing project and they're constantly adding new features.

Check it out HERE.

Halo 2600 

Halo 2600 isn't the great demake that GG2 is, but it's a nice little trip down nostalgia road if you've ever played Atari games.  Master Chief is thrown at a pixelated horde of Covenant blobs.  Basic Atari warfare is recreated accurately here.  Shoot only 2 directions, walk only 8.  Don't get hit by the bullet dot.  I was confused on how to shoot at first.  You actually have to find your gun lying around, then use Z to fire.  Coincidentally, that's also the extent of the storyline.

Check it out HERE for a good waste of a few minutes.

I'll definitely be on the lookout for more quality demakes in the future. Free, fun, simple.  My kind of gaming. Check our Facebook page and please share to your friends!