Friday, September 7, 2012

Boardgame Review: Rocketville!

Rocketville?! More like Awesomeville!

Where the magic happens.
  This game is quite awesome.  Easy to learn, very fast to play (less than 30 minutes once you know the rules), and tons of potential strategy.   In heart, it's a political game.  The goal is to obtain the most popularity, and by doing so, become the Mayor of Rocketville.  Players take the role of mayoral candidates vying for control of different areas of a planet.  Each turn, candidates choose to either try and win the vote of the area the rocket is in, or plan for control of other ones.  You gain popularity (and sometimes lose it, in the case of controlling "shady" areas) by winning the vote, controlling the majority of a neighborhood, and by using special abilities of cards and areas.
When attempting to control an area, a candidate plays one of their Campaign Promise cards.  Some are generic (with a lower chance of winning), and some may match the type of area you want (Residential, Wealthy, Tech, and Shady ), which have a much higher chance.  If you manage to control the majority of a neighborhood (a group of 5 or 6 like areas), you'll get a popularity bonus at the end of the game.  Controlling areas also reaps potential rewards.  You may gain popularity, extra Campaign Promise cards, or the ever popular Robot Assistant card.  If you manage to get one, it will show a specific goal, that, if you satisfy it at the end of the game, will get you even more popularity.  If a player chooses not to try to get the vote of an area, they go into Campaign Planning and get more Campaign Promise cards for future use.

It's a rocketship!
The game comes with some optional rules, and the cards to go with it, which add some nice flavor to the game.  You can play the game with Endorser cards, which, if you happen to be the one that controls it, will either give you a great benefit, or an annoying disadvantage.  I was lucky enough to get Starcredits Coffee (at right)!

Rocketville is made by the legendary Avalon Hill game company, and designed by Richard Garfield, the original creator of Magic: The Gathering (how could it not be good?!).  Richard Garfield has another boardgame called RoboRally, which I would love to hear about if anyone has it.  Thanks to my awesome friends for playing with me!

You can purchase Rocketville HERE, or go out and support your local gaming shop!

Which neighborhood will
you control?